
Our internal design process is based on a structured approach, involving compliance with a series of key targets, British and European standards, current legislation, specifications, guidance notes, codes of practice and manuals that cover all design, management and support disciplines. This has been developed and continually improved over many years to capture best practice within the industry, as well our own valuable practical experience. This approach has been formalised and incorporated into our quality management system which meets ISO9001:2015 and accredited by LRQA & UKAS.
We have earned an enviable reputation, through our ability to design, engineer and implement technically competent, cost effective solutions to engineering challenges. We utilise the capability and experience of our qualified, highly skilled and multi-disciplined in house staff, encouraging initiative and lateral thought at all stages of project design and implementation.
A key aspect of our success is having the facilities and resources to offer both design and construction service on a single site, providing significant savings in cost and time, whilst ensuring the quality of manufacturing and fabrication work is checked at every stage of production.
Our engineers are capable of taking a project from concept to full CE Compliance. HEMCO Power & Control Systems Ltd ensure that all design, manufacture and wiring activities are fully compliant with all relevant British, EU and Worldwide legislation and meet all the necessary standards. These include:
Our control systems and panels are manufactured to BS EN 60204-1:2018 which covers various requirements of the Low Voltage Directive (2014/35/EC). All the new components used will be suitably CE marked against the Low Voltage and EMC directives (where applicable) from the appropriate manufacturers e.g. Contactors, Drives etc.
A Declaration of Incorporation against the machinery directive 2006/42/EC covering the Electrical aspects can be provided if required.